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Longsuffering – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.

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Welcome to Dr. Ken Burge Sr.’s sermon on “The Attributes of God: Longsuffering.” In this Biblical message, Dr. Burge explores the concept of longsuffering, which embodies God’s patient and slow-to-anger nature, even in the face of provocation or wrongdoing.
Drawing inspiration from various biblical stories, Dr. Burge delves into the meaning of longsuffering and its implications for our lives. The Bible offers us numerous instances that exemplify God’s longsuffering. From His enduring patience with the Israelites, despite their worship of the golden calf, to His deliberate delay in the return of Jesus. God’s longsuffering stems from His profound desire for repentance and salvation for all humanity.
As believers, we are called to mirror God’s longsuffering in our own lives. Dr. Burge emphasizes the significance of cultivating patience and forgiveness towards others. By embodying longsuffering, we foster unity within the body of Christ and witness the development of spiritual fruit in our lives. This divine attribute is deeply intertwined with love and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Ultimately, longsuffering leads to blessings and the fulfillment of God’s promises. Through this sermon, you will be encouraged to embrace the attribute of longsuffering, allowing it to transform your relationships with both God and man.