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Glory – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge, Sr.

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Join Dr. Burge as he explore three ways God shares His glory with His children: through Creation, Recreation, and the return of Jesus. As Christians, we’re called to live our lives as a testament to His glory, radiating His light in a dark world. This message reminds us that we are not our own, having been bought with a price. Let’s glorify God in both our bodies and our spirits.

This sermon is rooted in the Word of God which provides practical application. From recalling past travels and experiences to understanding the eternal glory we share with our Heavenly Father, join Dr. Burge as he provides valuable information on the attribute of God’s glory!
This sermon is entitled: “Glory – Attribute of God Sermon Series.” This sermon is the 14th of 14 messages from this series.