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Faithfulness – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.

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Dr. Ken Burge Sr. explores the attribute of God’s faithfulness and how it relates to us. He will teach two employment points from Scripture.
Employment Point #1 takes us on a journey through God’s unwavering faithfulness as seen in His words, works, and people. As we discover the unyielding faithfulness of our Creator, we are encouraged to align our hearts with His divine teachings, works, and the people He places in our lives.
During Employment Point #2, we are reminded of our call to be faithful to God’s Word, works, and people. This includes honoring the Lord’s chosen leaders, and recognizing the scarcity of faithful men, as beautifully penned in Proverbs 20:6: “Most men will proclaim each his own goodness, but who can find a faithful man?” As Theodore Roosevelt wisely said, “It is better to be faithful than famous.”
So, let us come together as a community, embracing God’s everlasting faithfulness and choosing to be steadfast in our devotion to Him. As we reflect on the timeless hymn, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness,” let it inspire us to practice this precious communicable attribute of God’s faithfulness in our daily lives.
This sermon is entitled: “Faithfulness – Attribute of God Sermon Series.” This sermon is the 7th of 14 messages from this series.