Oct 12, 2024
E49 | Jesus, The Woman, and Simon the Pharisee | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Luke 7:36-50.

In today’s episode, the pastors explore the encounter between Jesus, a sinful woman, and Simon the Pharisee. They will examine the stark contrast between Simon’s self-righteousness and the woman’s deep humility. How do we approach Jesus in our own lives—like the self-assured Simon or the humble, repentant woman? Join the pastors as they walk through this moving story of forgiveness and grace, verse by verse.

This is Podcast #49: "Jesus, The Woman, and Simon the Pharisee” which is taken from Luke 7:36-50

  • Oct 12, 2024E49 | Jesus, The Woman, and Simon the Pharisee | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Luke 7:36-50.
    Oct 12, 2024
    E49 | Jesus, The Woman, and Simon the Pharisee | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Luke 7:36-50.

    In today’s episode, the pastors explore the encounter between Jesus, a sinful woman, and Simon the Pharisee. They will examine the stark contrast between Simon’s self-righteousness and the woman’s deep humility. How do we approach Jesus in our own lives—like the self-assured Simon or the humble, repentant woman? Join the pastors as they walk through this moving story of forgiveness and grace, verse by verse.

    This is Podcast #49: "Jesus, The Woman, and Simon the Pharisee” which is taken from Luke 7:36-50

  • Sep 28, 2024E48 | Jesus Rebukes The Proud But Gives Rest To The Humble | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 11:16-30 | Luke 7:31-35
    Sep 28, 2024
    E48 | Jesus Rebukes The Proud But Gives Rest To The Humble | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 11:16-30 | Luke 7:31-35

    Religion without a true relationship with Jesus often leads to burnout, frustration, and spiritual emptiness. The pastors share insights from Jesus who was slandered and rebuked the proud who reject Him but also extended rest to those who come to Him in humility. Are you trying to live up to a set of rules and expectations that leave you exhausted, or are you allowing Jesus to carry your burdens? Do you dance to the world’s tune or rest in the identity Jesus has given you? Discover how Jesus’ yoke is light, and how resting in Him can bring the peace your soul longs for.

    This is Podcast #48: "Jesus Rebukes The Proud But Gives Rest To The Humble” which is taken from Matthew 11:16-30 and Luke 7:31-35

  • Sep 14, 2024E47 | John Doubts but Jesus Encourages | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 11:1-15 & Luke 7:18–30
    Sep 14, 2024
    E47 | John Doubts but Jesus Encourages | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 11:1-15 & Luke 7:18–30
    In this episode, the pastors explore how Jesus shows compassion and grace to His suffering cousin, John the Baptist. They also examine John’s role as the prophesied messenger from Malachi 3, who prepares the way for the Messiah, and explain why he is not the Elijah mentioned in Malachi 4. This leads into a discussion on the spiritual and physical aspects of God's kingdom. The episode concludes with three timeless truths that encourage us to trust God’s plan, embrace His grace, and eagerly await the fulfillment of His kingdom.

    This is Podcast #47: "John Doubts but Jesus Encourages” which is taken from Matthew 11:1-15 & Luke 7:18–30
  • Aug 31, 2024E46 | Jesus on Discipleship: Are You Worthy or Worthless? | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 10:26-42
    Aug 31, 2024
    E46 | Jesus on Discipleship: Are You Worthy or Worthless? | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 10:26-42

    What kind of disciple are you according to Jesus: worthy or worthless? In Matthew 10, Jesus challenges us to examine our discipleship: Are you boldly living out your faith, willing to confess Him before co-workers, authorities, and even family? Or have you settled into a comfortable, quiet faith that avoids risks? Are you truly putting Jesus above all else, or are you hesitant to make waves?

    This is Podcast #46: "Jesus on Discipleship: Are You Worthy or Worthless?” which is taken from Matthew 10:26-42

  • Aug 17, 2024E45 | Sheep Among Wolves: The Apostles’ First Commission | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 10:1-25
    Aug 17, 2024
    E45 | Sheep Among Wolves: The Apostles’ First Commission | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 10:1-25

    In episode 45, the pastors explore the moment when Jesus sent His twelve apostles on their first mission, equipping them with authority and clear instructions. The pastors will highlight what applied to the apostles, what Jesus said about the future tribulation, and the timeless truths we can all learn. Join us as we unpack these lessons from Matthew 10:1-25.

    This is Podcast #45: "Sheep Among Wolves: The Apostles' First Commission” which is taken from Matthew 10:1-25
  • Aug 1, 2024E44 | Jesus Crashes a Funeral and Resurrects a Dead Man in Nain | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Luke 7:11-21
    Aug 1, 2024
    E44 | Jesus Crashes a Funeral and Resurrects a Dead Man in Nain | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Luke 7:11-21

    In today's episode, Jesus interrupts a funeral and raises a dead man to life with just a few words. Unlike Elijah and Elisha, who had to plead with God, Jesus demonstrates His divine authority. The pastors hope this passage eases your fears about death, reminding you that your Savior will one day raise all Christians with just a few words!

    This is Podcast #44: "Jesus crashes a Funeral and Resurrects a Dead Man in Nain” which is taken from Luke 7:11-17

  • Jul 20, 2024E43 | King Jesus and the Roman Centurion: A Glimpse into the Kingdom | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 8:5-13 | Luke 7:1-10
    Jul 20, 2024
    E43 | King Jesus and the Roman Centurion: A Glimpse into the Kingdom | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 8:5-13 | Luke 7:1-10
    Join the pastors as they explore the remarkable faith of a Roman soldier who left Jesus in awe. They will also debunk the widespread myth that "gnashing of teeth" always signifies Hell. Uncover the true meaning behind these passages and gain deeper insights from scripture. Don't miss this episode!

    This is Podcast #43: "King Jesus and the Roman Centurion: A Glimpse into the Kingdom” which is taken from Matthew 8:5-13 & Luke 7:1-10
  • Jun 29, 2024E42 | Sermon on the Plain (Jesus’ Teachings on Self-righteous Hypocrites) | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Luke 6:37-49
    Jun 29, 2024
    Father & Son Podcast Logo
    E42 | Sermon on the Plain (Jesus’ Teachings on Self-righteous Hypocrites) | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Luke 6:37-49

    In episode 42, Jesus addresses self-righteous hypocrites, calling them out for their evil actions. His message is directed at his followers who claim to love God but fail to practice His commands. As Christians, we need to seriously evaluate Jesus' words and ensure we are not hypocrites.

    This is Podcast #42 “Sermon on the Plain (Jesus’ Teachings on Self-righteous Hypocrites)”… which is taken from Luke 6:37-49

  • Jun 15, 2024E41 | Sermon on the Plain (Beatitudes | Woes | Love Your Enemies) | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Luke 6:20-36
    Jun 15, 2024
    Father & Son Podcast Logo
    E41 | Sermon on the Plain (Beatitudes | Woes | Love Your Enemies) | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Luke 6:20-36
    In episode 41, the pastors explore Jesus' challenging Sermon on the Plain, which they believe is distinct from the Sermon on the Mount—a point they will explain in detail. This passage presents a hard-hitting message that calls believers to live radically by showing mercy to an ungrateful world.

    This is Podcast #41, "Sermon on the Plain (Beatitudes | Woes | Love Your Enemies" which is taken from Luke 6:20-36.
  • Jun 1, 2024E40 | Jesus Picks 12 Apostles From His Many Disciples | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Mark 3:13-19 | Luke 6:12-19
    Jun 1, 2024
    E40 | Jesus Picks 12 Apostles From His Many Disciples | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Mark 3:13-19 | Luke 6:12-19
    In today's episode, the pastors will explore the lives, ministries, and deaths of the 12 apostles as recorded in the Bible and church history. Learn about the importance of Jesus choosing these 12 and the lasting impact they had on the world.

    This is Podcast #40, "Jesus Picks 12 Apostles From His Many Disciples” which is taken from Mark 3:13-19 & Luke 6:12-19
  • May 18, 2024E39 | Jesus: Fulfilling Isaiah’s Prophecies While Ignoring Self-Marketing | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 12:15-21 | Mark 3:7-12
    May 18, 2024
    E39 | Jesus: Fulfilling Isaiah’s Prophecies While Ignoring Self-Marketing | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 12:15-21 | Mark 3:7-12
    Why did Jesus tell people to be quiet about Him being the Messiah? Many celebrity pastors would say He was bad at self-marketing, yet He perfectly followed the Father's will. In this episode, the pastors will explore how Jesus fulfilled Isaiah's prophecies and why He didn't focus on self-promotion. Discover the implications of Jesus' humility and how it challenges our ideas of success. Plus, learn how this moment set the stage for selecting the Twelve Apostles.

    This is Podcast #39: Jesus: Fulfilling Isaiah's Prophecies While Ignoring Self-Marketing … which is taken from Matthew 12:15-21 & Mark 3:7-12.
  • May 4, 2024E38 | Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath: Healing on the Sabbath | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 12:9-14 | Mark 3:1-6 | Luke 6:6-11
    May 4, 2024
    E38 | Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath: Healing on the Sabbath | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 12:9-14 | Mark 3:1-6 | Luke 6:6-11

    In this episode, Jesus exemplifies the importance of prioritizing integrity over appeasing those in authority. Witness Jesus demonstrating God's love by healing a man with a crippled hand, an act that incites resentment from the establishment. As Jesus faces opposition from religious and political leaders conspiring to end his life, we're reminded of the enduring significance of loving our neighbors, regardless of the consequences.

    This is Podcast #38: Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath: Healing on the Sabbath… which is taken from Matthew 12:9-14 | Mark 3:1-6 | Luke 6:6-11

  • Apr 20, 2024E37 | Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath: The Grainfields | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 12:1-8 | Mark 2:23-28 | Luke 6:1-5
    Apr 20, 2024
    E37 | Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath: The Grainfields | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 12:1-8 | Mark 2:23-28 | Luke 6:1-5

    In today's episode, Jesus finds himself in a confrontation with religious men who hold misguided theological beliefs. Throughout this encounter, the religious leaders are portrayed as placing more importance on their own man-made rules and regulations rather than understanding the true intent of God's holy Law. The pastors point out that people tend to worship various "gods"—some idolize sports, others prioritize their jobs, some look to science, and many pursue wealth. In this specific scenario, the religious leaders are depicted as worshipping their manmade form of religion rather than embracing the true spirit of God's teachings.

    This is Podcast #37: Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath: The Grainfields… which is taken from Matthew 12:1-8, Mark 2:23-28 & Luke 6:1-5

  • Apr 6, 2024E36 | Jesus Teaches on Christology: His Witnesses & Glory | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | John 5:31-47
    Apr 6, 2024
    E36 | Jesus Teaches on Christology: His Witnesses & Glory | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | John 5:31-47
    In this episode, the pastor look at a tense encounter where Jesus faces accusations of breaking Moses’ Law by healing on the Sabbath. The religious leaders plot against Him, but Jesus unveils their hardened hearts and their "good o'l boys club."

    He presents numerous witnesses who affirm His identity as the Messiah and Son of God. Furthermore, He exposes the religious leaders’ self-serving attitudes, contrasting it with seeking God’s glory. Jesus underscores the consequence of rejecting Him: rejecting the Father, the Law, and the prophets. Join the pastors as they look into these weighty matters.

    This is Podcast #36 of the "Jesus Said That" series - titled, "Jesus Teaches on Christology: His Witnesses & Glory" from John 5:31-47
  • Mar 23, 2024E35 | Jesus Teaches on Christology: His Divine Nature & Authority | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | John 5-17-30
    Mar 23, 2024
    E35 | Jesus Teaches on Christology: His Divine Nature & Authority | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | John 5-17-30
    If you're eager to understand the essence of Jesus and the harmony between being the eternal Son of God yet in human form, then John 5 is a must-read for you. In this chapter, Jesus explains His divine and human nature, offering insights into His identity. Join us in this conversation with our pastors as they explore Jesus' teachings on Christology.

    This is Podcast #35 of the "Jesus Said That" series - titled, "Jesus Teaches on Christology: His Divine Nature & Authority" from John 5:17-30
  • Mar 9, 2024E34 | Jesus Heals The Man of Lame Excuses | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | John 5:1-16
    Mar 9, 2024
    E34 | Jesus Heals The Man of Lame Excuses | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | John 5:1-16

    Do you define yourself by your limitations or by your identity in Christ? In this episode, Jesus encounters a man who constantly makes excuses and blames others for his challenges. Despite this, Jesus heals him, prompting the man to shed his former identity as a cripple. However, when faced with hardship, the man's heart hardens, and he blames Jesus.

    Are you like this man? Do you make excuses? In this episode, the pastors will examine John 5:1-16 and give insight on dealing with the issue of excuses.

    This is Podcast #34 of the "Jesus Said That" series - titled, "Jesus Heals The Man of Lame Excuses" from John 5:1-16

  • Feb 22, 2024E33 | The Call of Matthew – The Teenage Disciple | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 9:9 | Mark 2:13-14 | Luke 5:27-28
    Feb 22, 2024
    E33 | The Call of Matthew – The Teenage Disciple | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 9:9 | Mark 2:13-14 | Luke 5:27-28

    Was Matthew a teenager? Why would he leave his tax booth to follow Jesus? Did his feast for Jesus happen right after his calling or much later? The pastors will tackle this and more as they unravel the call of Matthew in its historical context.

    This is Podcast #33 of the "Jesus Said That" series - titled, "The Call of Matthew: The Teenage Disciple from Matthew 9:9 | Mark 2:13-14 | Luke 5:27-28

  • Feb 8, 2024E32 | Jesus Forgives The Sins Of A Paralyzed Man | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 9_2-8 | Mark 2_1-12 | Luke 5_17-26
    Feb 8, 2024
    E32 | Jesus Forgives The Sins Of A Paralyzed Man | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 9_2-8 | Mark 2_1-12 | Luke 5_17-26

    What should you do when a friend is emotionally broken and needs help? In today's episode, we witness four friends bringing their physically and spiritually broken companion to Jesus – the ultimate source of healing. We'll also explore Jesus' prioritization of spiritual well-being over physical healing. Share your thoughts and join us for this insightful discussion as we delve into every word spoken by Jesus in the New Testament.

    This is Podcast #32 of the "Jesus Said That" series - titled, "Jesus Forgives The Sin Of A Paralyzed Man from Matthew 9:2-8 | Mark 2:1-12 | Luke 5:17-26

  • Jan 27, 2024E31 | Jesus Heals a Leper: The Danger of Placing Emotions Above God’s Word | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 8:1-4; Mark 1:40-45; Luke 5:12-16
    Jan 27, 2024
    E31 | Jesus Heals a Leper: The Danger of Placing Emotions Above God’s Word | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 8:1-4; Mark 1:40-45; Luke 5:12-16
    In today's podcast, the pastors discuss problems that arise when people prioritize their feelings over what God teaches. They will look at the story of the dying leper who is healed by Jesus. and is given a direct command not to tell anyone, yet the man puts his feelings and emotions over God's words and tells everyone he meets. This hurts Jesus' ministry.

    This story reflects similar issues today where emotions lead Christians to ignore important teachings from God which causes damage to the Church. Join the pastors as they study Matthew 7:13-29. This is Podcast #31 of the "Jesus Said That" series - titled, "Jesus Heals a Leper: The Danger of Placing Emotions Above God's Word from Matthew 8:1-4; Mark 1:40-45; Luke 5:12-16
  • Jan 11, 2024E30 | The Sermon On The Mount (Narrow Road | Identifying False Prophets | Unbelievers Rejected by Jesus | Obeying Jesus’ Words) | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 7:13-29
    Jan 11, 2024
    E30 | The Sermon On The Mount (Narrow Road | Identifying False Prophets | Unbelievers Rejected by Jesus | Obeying Jesus’ Words) | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matthew 7:13-29
    Jesus states that only those who do the will of the Father gain entry into the physical Kingdom. So, according to scripture, what is God's will? How do you navigate hardships while staying true to Jesus' teachings? Are you called to be a fruit inspector to determine who is saved, or is that a misunderstanding of Jesus' words?
    In this episode, the pastors bring closure to Jesus' sermon on the Mt. by answering these questions.
    This is Podcast #30 of the "Jesus Said That" series - titled, "The Sermon On The Mount (Narrow Road | Identifying False Prophets | Unbelievers Rejected by Jesus | Obeying Jesus’ Words) from Matthew 7:13-29