Next 7 days at CMBC (Monday the 11th – Sunday the 17th, 2023)

Monday: Pre-Teen Gospel & Games

For Pre-Teens from the ages of 5 – 12. The focus of this ministry is to reach pre-teens with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and introduce them to CMBC. There will be a time of fellowship with games, a snacks, and an interactive Bible lesson. Pastor Kenny is currently teaching through heroes of faith. This will illustrate what true faith looks like and the need to place faith in the Lord.

This Week’s Lesson:
Heroes Who Had Faith In God’s Word – Lesson #18: King Jehu

Main Information:
Ages: 5 – 12
Day: Monday
Time: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Colmar Manor Bible Church

Tuesday: Adult Online Bible Study

This Bible study is titled “Facing Foes Fearlessly.” In this series, Dr. Burge will explore overcoming issues such as fear, discouragement, loneliness, worry, guilt, temptation, anger, and various other challenges. This study is available online for free. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d like to listen in.

This Week’s Lesson:
Overcoming Fear

Main Information:
Day: Tuesday
Time: 7:00 pm – 7:40 pm
Location: Online

Wednesday: Pre-Teen Online Bible Study


This online Bible study is for pre-teens who are Christians. This Bible study is only for those invited by Pastor Kenny because the focus of this ministry is train children in scripture and help them mature in their walk with the Lord.

This Year’s Focus:
Pastor Kenny will walk the kids through the Bible teaching them how to have daily devotions and prayer time. This year they will read through the Action Bible and the Bible studies will focus on each book found in the Bible. In addition to memorizing the book’s title and theme, the preteens will learn the book’s outline.

This Week’s Bible Study:
The book of Esther  

Main Information:
Ages: Pre-teens
Day: Wednesday
Time: 7:00 pm – 7:40 pm
Location: Online (Invite only)

Saturday: Sermon Release

One of the cornerstone ministries of Colmar Manor Bible Church is the preaching ministry. These sermons are recorded and posted online biweekly. *Please note that the sermons are posted a few weeks after they are preached at CMBC because we should not forsake coming together and hearing the word preached live along with fellowship and songs of worship.

Sermon Series:
Pastor Ken is preaching on the attributes of God

This Week’s Sermon:
Attributes of God: Blessedness

Main Information:
Released: Biweekly
Day: Saturday

Sunday: Worship & Service

Join us as we worship the Lord though songs, Bible readings, prayer, a sermon, and fellowship. All are invited to come and worship the Lord.

Sermon Title:
Book of Ephesians Series: Three Reasons Why You Should Bless God (Eph. 1:3-6)

Songs for Worship:
Grace Greater Than Our Sin
Victory In Jesus
Greater Is He
Jesus Draw Me Close
The Potter’s Hand

Main Information:
Day: Sunday
Time: 10:00am – (about 11:45)
Location: Colmar Manor Bible Church

Sunday: Young Adult Bible Study


Each Sunday night the young adults meet at Pastor Kenny’s home for an in-depth Bible study. There is also a time of fellowship and games.

Current Series:
Special Series! Patterns of Evidence: Red Sea Miracle Part 1: Lesson #5

Main Information:
Ages: 13+
Day: Sunday

Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Pastor Kenny Burge Jr.’s Home
Focus: Training the found for God’s glory